Monday, August 19, 2013

{Hits and Misses} Summer 2013

Ahh, I'm so sorry this is so late! It was supposed to be up Friday but I kept pushing it back because I was too lazy to take all the photos and whatnot. But I finally finished it~

Ho~ly crap; summer is almost over. Where did it go?! Wasn't it July 4th like a week ago?!
ヽ(#゚Д゚)ノ┌┛Oh well, that just means it's time for sweaters and my docs, so all is okay. But, before I get to start making autumn inspired posts, a summer favorites is in order. I haven't done a favorites post since my first one in April on my tumblr, so it's been a while. I decided that instead of doing just my favorites, I'm including the products I didn't like, as well as those that I only sorta kinda liked! There are quite a few items to get through and I'll start with the misses/mehs under the cut~

Friday, August 9, 2013

The Versatile Blogger Award~

SO, I've been nominated for the 'Versatile Blogger Award' by Vanessa over at Citron and Guavaberry because she's super sweet and included me in the tag part~ <3 Thank you though, it means alot!

1. Thank the person who nominated you & link their blog.
2. Each nominee must name 7 things about themselves.
3. They must nominate 15 blogs or bloggers they've recently discovered or follow regularly.
4. Inform the nominees about their award.
5. No tag backs!

Monday, August 5, 2013

REVIEW: YesTo Tomatoes & YesTo Cucumbers Face Masks

Back for another review~ this time on these two YesTo masks. Both are purchased from Target (though I have noticed that depending on which Target I go to they'll either have only the YesTo Tomatoes one or neither...)

I've purchased the YesTo Tomatoes one before so when I got to go to Target this past week it was a moment of "OMG I need to see if it's in stock!!11!" Thankfully it was, AND the YesTo Cucumbers was there too so I figured I'd pick both of them up. So with that said, on to the review~